Mon, Feb 4, 2013Q里关于uncurry的代码
// Attempt to make generics safe in the face of downstream
// modifications.
// There is no situation where this is necessary.
// If you need a security guarantee, these primordials need to be
// deeply frozen anyway, and if you don’t need a security guarantee,
// this is just plain paranoid.
// However, this does have the nice side-effect of reducing the size
// of the code by reducing x.call() to merely x(), eliminating many
// hard-to-minify characters.
// See Mark Miller’s explanation of what this does.
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:safe_meta_programming
var uncurryThis;
// I have kept both variations because the first is theoretically
// faster, if bind is available.
if (Function.prototype.bind) {
var Function_bind = Function.prototype.bind;
uncurryThis = Function_bind.bind(Function_bind.call);
} else {
uncurryThis = function (f) {
return function () {
return f.call.apply(f, arguments);
var array_slice = uncurryThis(Array.prototype.slice);
array_slice = uncurryThis(Array.prototype.slice)
= Function.prototype.bind.bind(Function.prototype.bind.call)(Array.prototype.slice)
= Function.prototype.bind.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice) //Function.prototype.bind.call.bind is safe
= Array.prototype.slice.call //Array.prototype.slice.call is safe
//Array.prototype.slice is also safe
不过,Q的注释里写的很清楚,uncurry在这里不是必要的… 写写而已…
这篇文章 详细介绍了safe meta programming,对uncurry做了定义和代码演示。